How We Met

Daniel and I met at Taylor University in August of 2009.

At first, I (Jaime) had no interest in knowing Daniel.  He was "emo" and I was convinced I was "over" that phase of my life...  ;)

So, I ignored him for a month or so but couldn't ignore the fact that I thought he was GORGEOUS.  But, I was still too nervous to just seek him out.
One day I was at the DC (Dining Commons) and as I was turning to walk up the stairs I accidentally cut someone else off.  I turned and apologized quickly and was met with the sweetest sounding voice I've ever heard and then I realized it was the cute boy from drawing class.  So I very slyly asked "Oh, you're in my drawing class right?  What's your name again?"  And he politely said "Daniel."

I then headed back to my dorm room, got in my laptop and Facebook stalked 5 pages of "Daniel"s that go to Taylor University.  I found the right one and immediately sent a friend request.  We chatted on there for a few days and made awkward eye contact in class until I invited him over to watch a movie in my room during open house.
During the movie I noticed that Daniel kept flicking his hair out of his face...  But it seemed even more aggressive than that.  It was almost like a twitch, I was convinced he had a problem.

But anyway, we were developing a friendship.  And he asked me on a pick-a-date and so I consented.  He ignored me the entire date and whatever feelings I had developed for him were completely gone.

This is Daniel (and my shadow) on our pick-a-date.

Well, about 2 weeks later I was at the prayer chapel on campus before a class, praying and writing in my journal (waiting on Daniel to text me when he was walking by the chapel so I could walk with him to class) and I felt the urge to write a letter to my future husband. (I had been writing letters to my future husband since junior year of high school.)

I began my letter, just pouring out my emotions and at this point in my life I was really consumed with the idea of marriage.  But the day I had bumped into Daniel at the DC, I had finally FINALLY given it all over to God.

So anyway, that day at the prayer chapel I wrote to my husband.  And my letter went something like this, "I am so sick of waiting to meet you.  I know that God will bring us together when the time is right but that doesn't mean that I don't want to meet you.  I mean, I just want to meet you like RIGHT NOW...."
And, the second I put down that last period, Daniel walked into the prayer room that I was in.  I chuckled and wrote it off as nothing.  But over the next week or so Daniel and I both started to develop more serious feelings for one another..  We decided to take a day and fast and pray about what our next step was.  After fasting we came back together and decided that us getting together was the right thing.  

Well, almost as soon as we started dating we started talking about getting married.  Quick, yes, but it felt right.  Neither of us were feeling convicted.  Well, at first we were thinking of getting married after college and the more we talked and discussed everything, the more we wanted to get married a little sooner...  

On our first date we went to Build a Bear.  Daniel told me later that he overdrew his account
that night because I was so expensive...  ;)  hehehe.

When we first told our families I think everyone was a little taken aback, but they soon came around to the idea.  And so, we started planning to get married the following summer...  

Daniel proposed on December 23rd of 2009.

This is Daniel proposing at IHOP..  haha, romantic, right?  :P  IHOP is my favorite place
to eat.  Apologies for the half eaten food.  lol.

So, we met in August of '09, started dating in October of '09, then got engaged in December of '09 and married in May of '10.  :)

And here we are, married for almost 2 years and going strong.